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Living in the Shadows of Infertility

IMG_20180205_115355_845-01For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)

I posted this on IG as an illustration of infertility, and it spoke volumes to me. While I am pregnant (9months now), the fear of infertility still haunts me. Will this be the last time we are pregnant, are we going to have to go through the same route again, etc. Not being given the spirit of fear, doesn’t always mean we live a life fearlessly! We fear the unknown, especially the uncertainties of fertility. I had planned to document at least once a week on this journey and time just got the best of me. It’s never too late to get back in the game. I have spoke to many women about being fearful on this journey. Whether it’s the fear of sharing their stories or just plan scared it will never happen. My response is this, we can live the rest of our lives living behind the shadows of infertility or get busy defeating it. One way we defeat it is to speak out and speak up about infertility. God moves by our faith, but faith and fear cannot coexist! Envision God’s love casting out all your fears. You may not be hiding behind infertility. It could be an addition, abusive relationship, etc. Whatever it is, God can and will cast out all fears. He did it for me and I know He will do it for you as well! God bless!

Xoxo, AJ


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